Life goes on...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Going gaga over blockbuster movies

I want to watch all these movies, except Transformers, yucks!! I have been waiting for the sequels to these blockbusters and finally they are here, screening back to back literally. If I'm still single without a kid, I would have catch all these sequels from Fri to Sun straight, completing my movie list. Pirates of the Carribean, Shrek 3, Fantastic 4 and Harry Potter. Arghh...I can't wait!!!

Gosh forking out time to watch movie is almost non-existence for me and I even have to take leave to watch SpiderMan 3. How to concentrate watching with my active gal who probably will scream or ask questions throughout the show. I do not want to be shoo out from the theatre!!

I remembered watching Shrek 2 at Prince cinema when i was still 7 months pregnant and that was 3 years ago. Now I'm able to bring Eili to this show. YAH!!! She has watched part 1 and 2 and seems to enjoyed watching that green ogre, plus this is a cartoon movie definitely there'll be other kids around. At least i won't be shoo out of the theatre this time, maybe not me. Wakaka... But hor, where am i going to tumpang my 'bundle of joy' to???

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

50 Things You Learn from Korean Dramas

1) Hot, rich, younger men love fat, older vulgar women.

2) If you have a best guy friend, he is in love with you. And secretly you are too.

3) You and your boyfriend will always playfully chase each other on an ice rink, at the beach, or in the leaves. And youll laugh for no reason and your boyfriend will hit you playfully but the force of his push will have you flying across the room. But its okay. Cuz you're still laughing like a crazy person.

4) Brothers/cousin/uncles-newphews will always love the same girl.

5) You're allowed to make u-turns wherever you want in Korea. And there is never traffic on the side you want to u-turn to.

6) There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.

7) Everyone has cancer.

8) If you're sick, all you need is an IV to make you feel lots better.

9) There is vomit and urine all over Seoul at nights.

10) Fighting at a pojangmacha with a random stranger is merely part of a normal nights event.

11) Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.

12) If you're rich, you're a jerk.

13) If you're poor, you're an angel.

14) Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

15) You're not studying hard enough unless you get a nosebleed.

16) If you have a nosebleed, you most definately have cancer. And you have no money to pay for the surgery that will save your life. And your liver is missing. Were not sure where it went, but its making your cancer progress faster.

17) If you work in a sool jeep, you have massively curly hair and wear flashy colors from the early 90s.

18) You always order orange juice or coffee at a cafe. And you never drink it.
EVER. (they drink almost as much as soju)

19) You will always call your boyfriend by his job title. Or simply sunbaenim.
Never his name. Never. He doesnt have one.

20) If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen.

21) You go to America you come back miraculously successful. You go to England you come back amazingly fashionable. You stay in Korea and the only thing that changes is your hairstyle.

22) And if you come back with no apparent reason then its because you have cancer.

23) Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.

24) If you stand out in the rain for more than five minutes, youll end up with a fever and vertigo and people will rush you to the hospital to get some magic IV. And instead of taking an ambulance or driving theyll race you on their back.

25) Even if you're poor and cant eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

26) If you play a poor kid, you always have dirt on your face and your hair is always messy.

27) If youre saving someone from being hit from a car, youll push them out of the way and wait for the car to hit you instead. Couldnt be more true, theyre like a deer in headlights

28) Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didnt know about.

29) If you dont want to answer your phone, you cant just turn it off. The battery needs to be taken out.

30) All korean men can drink hard, smoke long, sing well and play piano. Usually all at the same time. And at the same restaurant that has a piano that they let anyone use.

31) If you're in a relationship, you must at one point leave and have your lover tearfully come RIGHT before you board the plane (vice versa applies as well. You can be the chaser). 60% of the time you see each other, the other 40% youre roaming around in circles and pass each other about six times, but miraculously never see them.

32) If you're getting off a plane, youre ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. ALWAYS.

33) All guys wear hideous tracksuits zipped up to their neck. Even if all they're doing is jumproping.

34) Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back- and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.

35) Guys always look like theyre 6 feet tall, even if theyre only 510. Thank you camera angles.

36) Guys like to wear foundation, eyeliner and sometimes a smudge of lipliner.

37) You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, youll always be stuck in the same one with that bastard you hate (or just fought with).

38) Unless youre fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you

39) So will your sister-in-law.

40) Your brother-in-law might be pining away for you.

41) There are only 2 ways to kiss. You either press your lips against theirs with your mouth completely shut, and just press away for a very long and uncomfortable time. OR you devour the other person and suck out their soul. In both instances, the world spins.

42) A guy will always get the right size ring, even if youve never held hands.

43) People stare off into space and ponder a lot. Theyll just stop in the middle of the road and watch a leaf on a tree for a good three minutes, and just ponder.

44) Youll get pregnant the first time you have sex.

45) Youll get pregnant if he kisses you on the forehead.

46) Hell- youll get pregnant if you hold hands.

47) If you overcome great obstacles to be together, one of you must die. Probably due to cancer.

48) One korean man can kick the butts of 6 gangstas. Especially when they all stand in a circle and attack the guy one by one. Then when each of them get their butts OWNED, they wise up and attack the guy at the same time. Then the guy will get pulverized and bleed out onto the dusty concrete floor of the empty warehouse theyve found to fight in. There will be a fire in a trashcan somewhere. And the girl will have watched this the entire time, screaming in horror. Instead of calling 119, shell just watch and cry. But its okay. Cuz the next day the guy will be fine with a few random bandages and a few face scars. But never a black eye.

49) It aint a real fight unless the gangstas fight dirty with a stick or switchblade.

50) If you study in the states (perferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV cant understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.

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Must Watch!

People you MUST WATCH this show!! Though it's the usual slapstick comedy romance storyline but i think Kim A-Jung (lead actress) is much more refreshing than Sammi Cheng! Plus with the charming face of Joo Jin Mo (lead actor), how can you miss the show???? I love the soundtracks of the movie too, now it's playing on my MP3..yipeee...

It has some touching scenes also which you'll grab a piece of your kleenex... for sure... unless your heart is made of stone.

Z-lah: you must watch if you can...pretty entertaining show...

Pretty lass - Kim A-Jung
(by the way, she's a real singer and sang most of the songs in the movie)

Handsome chap - Joo Jin Mo

Some scenes from the movie

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Price increased before Jul GST Hike

Have you all seen the report on TODAY papers last week about the increase of price of groceries? They even did a comparison on the major supermarkets and it shown that Sheng Siong prices are the highest amongst the rest. Actually ever before this report came out, my colleague has already complained to me about the prices in SS. At least a difference of about a dollar plus which is a quite a big deal as that’s only the price for 1 item only. Wait till you get your receipt at the cashier, every item on the receipt have at least increased from $0.50 - $1.50. Unless you do your own grocery shopping if not you would not know what I am talking about.

Whoa, even before the GST hike, we are already feeling the heat, what more to expect in July when another 2% to come? Sigh, I am beginning to hate staying in my own country. $$$$ how much more can we earn to have some extra at the end of the day? So PM don’t blame the leavers for leaving because you are pushing us off the cliff. We are not losers and we do not want to lose our health or mental in order to survive here. I shall consider residing in other country maybe like Perth (but overcrowded with Asians) or Canada, where we get paid when we grow old. For now, it’s back to throwing some $$ back so that our ministers can get a pay rise.
When am I going to get a pay rise like them???


GST relief: $200 per year = $16 a month
Difference before and after GST hike = $20 a month

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Moody Me..

I am feeling so KL trip was cancelled cos my BIL was asked to go for a selection for Sea Games. So I thought maybe we still can go ahead with our plan but this time to Genting but Hub wasn't interested. Probably because of certain issues that's still hanging around...that's why he didn't have the mood to go but I'm so in need of a short break.

PMS is also coming...grrrr....I need to vent it!!!!!


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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Already 29..waaaaa....waaaa...

/*Already 29..waaaaa....waaaa...*/

Yesterday was the only that I received the most SMS in a day, a whopping 22 birthday wishes!!!

Thank you for reminding me that I have turned 29 years old and are reaching the fearful 3 next year. blueekkkk...

Thanks to my 3 lovely sisters, Rynz, Sophie, my SIL, Jennifer, Faidzaa, Su (Haneymum), Steven, Kartini, Angela, Siti, Nita, Lisa, Rachel, Alice, Jamilah, Phoebe, Von, Charlene and Lyn for the SMSes.

Thanks to my sisters for the oncoming stay at Changi Clubhouse this sat, my 2 BIL and hub for the dinner treat, Rynz for her cute blackie cat mug, Rachel & Li Li for the Jap cat keychain, Angela & Christina for the pretty tiara brooch and lastly my La Senza thingy from Hub.
To me it's just another day...don't know why I don't feel special or happy yesterday.

A lot of things have been happening and left hanging. Just today things are started to glow a bit, Hub closed a deal just now but is co-sharing with a few agents. Well better than none mah...Happy for you!!!


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Tuesday, May 15, 2007



As you can see, I have added a new header under "Advertisements" on the left hand column bar. I am doing some advertisement for my hub who is providing painting services as well as a property agent.

For you my friends, I will definitely ask him to give you a better and reasonable rate!! So, please help me to disseminate to your contacts if they require the above services.

ThankQ, terima kasih & 谢谢!!!

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers' Day Part 1

/*Mothers' Day Celebration Part 1 */

I luv them to bits. They may be noisy and naughty but they are the cutest around!!

The usual suspects gathered at Abang's house on Sat for Mothers' Day Celebration. We had sambal beef (POWER!!), fried beehoon, BBQ chicken/hotdog/crabstick, lemak and 5 cakes to celebrate. Yes, 5 cakes! My youngest SIL baked 3 sinful choc cakes/brownie, Kak Ani baked another choc and i brought my cute cake that i baked in the morning with Eili.

The next morning, hub and me woke up with sore throat. Ah heck lah, I'm still stuffing food with chilli as the chinese saying goes "医毒攻毒" (cure the poison with poison) and it works. Feeling much better this morning..wakakaka...

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Baking session with Eili

/*Baking session with Eili*/

Happy Mothers' Day!

Went for ours first ever baking class together at Genius R Us and we are supposed to bake Strawberry Shortcake. Not that cartoon SSC but it was a vanilla spongecake filled with strawberry and it's really a very very short cake!

Maybe I held higher expectation that day and was disappointed when I reached the venue. The place was small and cramp. Inside the room are 2 tables with 6 chairs each and all 6 are sharing the ingredients. We even have to take turn to whisk the mixture! How pathetic is that? The workshop was highly publicised in the papers, mags and on TV so naturally I thought the place will be well equipped and organised. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Everyday about the place is so cheapo, from the venue to the ingredients. We are given only 6-8 strawberries for six 7 inch cakes, poor us! Anyway, i didn't enjoyed the session as Eili is cranky probably she's hungry as the session ended 30 mins later and I'm feeling tired. Grr...

I think the only part i enjoyed most is decorating the cake, other than that i was half asleep during class. Haha...

I wanted to draw a flower but Eili pressed the cream too hard and it came out like this but I managed to savage the cake by making it look like a weird flower! Clever me!
Everybody is packing and going off and I have no idea what to decorate so the rush rush panicky result.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Garfield - one month later

/*Garfield - one month later*/

It has been a month since you left us and the pain of losing still lingers around. It's doesn't matter if you have been for a month or a year, we can never get over the fact that you are gone. Last night, jie jie and us are talking about you and your manja-ness, it's nice remembering the time we spent together smelling your feet, kissing your cold wet nose and fiddling with your whiskers. It's easier now to talk about you but we are still feeling the heavy heart feeling, it's was as if someone throw a bottle of acid on our hearts. The sad part is that you probably will still be here if not for mummy's rash decision on your health.
You left a huge impact on our hearts~

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Stop the hunting!

/*Stop the Hunting!*/

If you don ’t want to view the pictures, that ’s fine BUT DO NOT IGNORE the cruelty that ’s happening. You can do your part by signing a protest email through I just did my part, have you????

In Australia , they killed KANGAROOS
In Japan , they killed
In Korea/Vietnam, they killed DOGS/CATS/BEARS/MONKEYS
In Singapore , they killed
In Canada/Norway, they killed
In China , they killed
CATS/DOGS/BEARS/MONKEYS & whatever animal they want to eat/hunt
In Thailand , they killed SNAKES
In Hong Kong , they killed

There are probably more animals killed in these/other countries, everyday & every single minute. Look at the list, most of them are developed countries and I thought they are supposed to be more educated in conservation of animals????

All those animals -
WHAT DID THEY DO TO DESERVE SUCH TREATMENT??? Because they are ANIMALS?? Because they are HELPLESS?? Or because they can ’t SPEAK?

Please do your part in protesting against such cruelty and stop buying any product that ’ll encourage such killing!!!

Thank you.

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Happy Mothers' Day!!

/*Happy Mothers' Day!!*/

Price of maternity package/delivery charges at hospital - S$2,000.00
Price of medical charges for the last 34 months - S$2,500.00
Price of toys, books and clothings for the last 34 months - S$1,500.00
Price of other luxuries that I can’t enjoy after your arrival - S$5,000.00

Price of your smiling face when you greet me at the door everyday -


Baby, Mummy might not be the perfect or best mother around, i know I have done all those tactics I am not supposed to do like shouting, threatening, caning etc but doing that does not make me love you any less. You are my only reason why I want to work hard, why I look forward to my life everyday and why I would risk my everything for motherhood. I'll give you everything a Mother could give to a child simply because I never experience it my own.


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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Problematic month

/*Problematic Month*/

Though it's the month of my birthday but it's seems like a difficult and trying one.

Still waiting for Hub to solve his problem and it's killing his appetite. I'm feeling anxious and worry too when things are not concluded and left hanging in the air. Sigh..

Then this morning, my sis called me about her marital problems. Though not surprised but I just hope things can work out for both of them. It's not even a 3rd party problem but more of communication issues.

Sometimes i wonder, we can change a person's thinking but we can't change his personality or character but how are we going to make it work if the main issue can't be changed? How? That's life....full of decisions and dilemma.....

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Dreading Driving

/*Dreading Driving */

Arghh..someone please calm me down...I got so stressed up looking at the Basic Theory Book and to think my test date is 2 months later.
There are so many roadsigns, signboards and signals to remember and i hate complicated stuffs. Driving is sooooo darn COMPLICATED

I guess driving in Singapore with inconsiderate drivers, motorists and taxidrivers didn't help calming me down at all. With all the lane cutters, roadhoggers, cyclists who think they owned the road, reckless taxidrivers and those drivers who refused to give way, how to drive without stress here????

Imagining myself driving with a P-plate in Australia or NZ, situation probably will be different. They sympatise drivers like me and will definitely let me take my sweet pea time to park without honking at me, will give way with a smile on their face, will not overtake me while giving me their middle finger etc. Sigh...I am so scared...and I have not even driven a real car yet except those Datona cars in arcade lah!!! But bo pian lah, even though I initiated taking the test, I felt that I have been forced. Bluekkk.....

Quote of the Day:
Who are we to say who deserved to stay alive and who deserved to die? Who deserved the life right now and who deserved everything? Only HIM will decide for us..

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Friday, May 04, 2007


I can't seem to make a divider in between my entries for the same day. If I have multiple entries in a day, this template will lump 2 entries into 1. I want a divider so it'll look neater!

an anyone give me a code the place the divider in between my 2 entries? Thanks!
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All about me

Those who are born in MAY yrs truly...

* Stubborn and hard-hearted
- very true!! but at least i follow my instincts.
* Strong-willed and highly motivated
- Absolutely!! Most highly motivated by Mr $$
* Sharp thoughts
- Accurate, usually my answers come rather fast after being questioned, especially when it’s come to interesting topics
* Easily angered
- Sadly yes, taureans have the shortest temperament. Boo~ So stop irritating me!
* Attracts others and loves attention
- Attracting others maybe but I hate attention, make me a bit insecure when people stare at me (maybe bcos I’m pretty or maybe I have a veg stuck at my teeth)
* Deep feelings
- Sure..we are known to be hopeless romantic
* Beautiful physically and mentally
- Oh ya baby!! Just look at me!
* Firm standpoint
- Yes, when I made a decision not even the world will make me change my mind. Hmm..maybe Hyun Bin/Kim Rye Won/Jong In Sung/Daniel Henney can…
* Easily influenced
- Nah absolutely untrue.
* Needs no motivation
- Of course, we are a batch of initiative bulls! Bulls charge straight ahead u know!
* Easily consoled
- Ah…maybe yes…maybe no…
* Systematic (left brain)
- True..true..true.. I can’t stand messy or untidiness!! Everything must have a system, from office to work!
* Loves to dream
- heee…yes always dreaming that I’m popular TV host in Korea dating the most eligible bachelor who is faithful and only have eyes for me who is rich, pretty, intelligent ..etc have more than 1 scenario on different days
* Strong clairvoyance
- Depending on the situation and the person involved
* Understanding
- Again this depend on the situation and the person involved
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
- not true, mostly back pain
* Good imagination
- hahah…well you would have to ask people around me
* Good debating skills
- oh yes, my hub can testify this for me..he said I’m am argumentative, whatever should be the same meaning…
* Good physical
- Well, I can carry bags of meat, tins of milk powder, toilet paper and other stuff alone. Or I can shift and turn our queen size bed on my own. What do you think?
* Weak breathing
- True, sometimes I have those tight breathing feeling on my chest
* Loves literature and the arts
- Ahh not those very chimgalogic kind but yes I appreciate arts not poems
* Loves travelling
- OH YES!!! Who don’t???* High spirited - You can count on me to be the clown in the house!
* Spendthrift
- False! I am the well-known miser in the house. Hee…

Lastly...I am now...
Age in years - 28.97
Age in months - 348
Age in days - 10573
Age in hours - 253756
Age in minutes - 15225359
Age in seconds - 913521563
Age in Milli seconds - 91352156315
Age in weeks - 74012
You born on Tuesday

Amazing isn't??


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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Angela!

Happy ____ Birthday Babe! (pls fill in your desired age)

She has been a very wonderful 'neighbour' who has been feeding me well, amph....not in term of food. I was always given breakfast, lunch, tea time and sometimes advance dinner...feeding well to my ears...wakaka...
Anyway, have a great year ahead and hopefully everything goes well to whatever you do.

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