Life goes on...

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Pregnancy Journey (Part 1)

All the sudden i remembered that i have to record the journal of this pregnancy before i deliver in Nov, you know how they said a woman will lost much of her memory after delivery??? Didn't want to concoct a fiction story based on that..
I'm now into my 2nd trimester, 24th weeks to be exact, 16 weeks to full term, 14 weeks if Baby E decides to pop out like her sister, that's like 98 days to D-day. Some figures huh? Frankly, i'm a little worried about delivery and handling a baby after 5 years. It's like starting a new job after resting at home, those kind of jitters that are messing up my mind every moment.
My menses has been very regular every month so when i missed it during 6th Mar (the day i moved house), i half- suspected i have won the 'lottery'. But on the other hand I was hoping this could be due to stress and tiredness after a trip to Korea in Jan, packing and head spearing the renovation of the new flat Feb. I was even carrying heavy cartons and moving the dining table.
After a week of 'MIA', i couldn't handle the suspicion and bought a Clearblue test kit before heading to office. I only manage to gather my courage for the test only near to lunchtime. I swear i have never felt so anxious and worried when i stuck the kit under my pee. Instructions stated a - dash means not pregnant and a + means pregnant. I was gloating on my happiness when i saw the the dash appearing until that stupid horizontal blue line starts to run down the dash. Yes, i'm PREGNANT!
I was half cursing and shaking, still on the toilet bowl, when i finally tried to calm myself down. I should be happy even though it's an accidental pregnancy. I'm married for god sake and not an underage gal!!! I sms-ed hub the moment i reached my desk with a simple message - 'confirmed pregnant, how'? Immediately i got a call from him and he was as confused as me on the news. It was only until 1 week later that both of us finally accepted the fact that we're expecting again and only then i informed my family.
Everyone, including Eili are ecstatic on the news except us...
Bad..i constantly felt tired and sleepy. Vomited more than 10 times i think, due to hunger or brushing my teeth. Even Eili knows i'm not feeling well when i vomited in front of her, she became more sensitive to my needs. She even became more protective of me, holding my hands when the floor is wet, offering her seat in the train to me and holding the ends of my dress when we take the escalator (she afraid that the escalator might suck in my dress like crocs shoes).
Few weeks past, i noticed the changes in me. My body is changing rapidly - my boobs are bigger and face is bloated. So obvious that most of my colleagues are guessing either i'm gaining weight or pregnant. I became more short fuse, with limited patience and guess who are the victims to my temper?? Hahah... i also started to wake up for toilet every single day even though i went once before my bedtime and tried drinking lesser water won't help.
I'm constantly feeling thirsty, at times 2 cans of drinks at one go and another 2 cups of water when i'm back in office. I'm half thinking that my gestational diabetes is back. My gynae did the blood test on me before the usual 5th mth due to my previous record of GB but the result for GB is clear with only high level of white blood cells tainted in my test. Dr Chandran said he'll conduct another blood test during my 5th month, arghh i hate blood test!!
It was probably due to my raging hormones during the 1st trimester that i started to have the blues. I hated my new job and thought this pregnancy really came at the wrong time. We have just moved into our new flat, I only started this new job less than a month and FIL had a stroke this CNY. So many bad things are happening at one go, for one moment, i almost breakdown!
Only after the end of the 1st trimester that things starts to look brighter. I took a liking to my new work scope, I'm happily settling at my new house, there are some solutions to some problems. Of course, not all at solved but things are looking better...for now...
Gosh a super long entry, i need to rest my brain for now...can't think of anything else...

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Monday, July 13, 2009

M.J. - a legacy he left...

It has already been 2 weeks since the King of Pop passed on and everyday the tv and radio belted out his billboard hits. I really missed listening to his songs after all we are all part of the 80s/90s era (if you are born between 1970s-1980s) and have grown up with his music. My favourite during my dating days are 'you are not alone' and even my hub remembered that i will constantly replay this song on my Walkman player.

Singers like MJ, Paula Abdul, Tommy Page, NKOTB and etc are the 'in' singers during that time but nobody...nobody can beat the style of MJ.
I vividly remembered his extravagant costumes, millions of dollars concert and MTV, who can top his appetite for being different, besides his love for cosmetic surgery and alleged bleaching. Seriously i don't care as i know how much he have helped to break the barrier for culture difference between people and raising awareness of poverty in other countries. He is also the only singer to be awarded Guinness Record for contributing the most for charity work. Some songs like 'earth song', 'they don't care about us', 'heal the world', 'we are the world' etcare so meaningful....

If you noticed in his MV, most of his songs are about children, poverty and culture harmony and will definitely featured children and different race around the world. How many artistes have actually made an effort in it? I don't care how queer or weird his private life, i just know he left many memories for me and the rest the world. Sigh...only when a great person has passed on, only then he'll recognised for his work.

I luv you, MJ....
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