Life goes on...

Friday, May 04, 2007

All about me

Those who are born in MAY yrs truly...

* Stubborn and hard-hearted
- very true!! but at least i follow my instincts.
* Strong-willed and highly motivated
- Absolutely!! Most highly motivated by Mr $$
* Sharp thoughts
- Accurate, usually my answers come rather fast after being questioned, especially when it’s come to interesting topics
* Easily angered
- Sadly yes, taureans have the shortest temperament. Boo~ So stop irritating me!
* Attracts others and loves attention
- Attracting others maybe but I hate attention, make me a bit insecure when people stare at me (maybe bcos I’m pretty or maybe I have a veg stuck at my teeth)
* Deep feelings
- Sure..we are known to be hopeless romantic
* Beautiful physically and mentally
- Oh ya baby!! Just look at me!
* Firm standpoint
- Yes, when I made a decision not even the world will make me change my mind. Hmm..maybe Hyun Bin/Kim Rye Won/Jong In Sung/Daniel Henney can…
* Easily influenced
- Nah absolutely untrue.
* Needs no motivation
- Of course, we are a batch of initiative bulls! Bulls charge straight ahead u know!
* Easily consoled
- Ah…maybe yes…maybe no…
* Systematic (left brain)
- True..true..true.. I can’t stand messy or untidiness!! Everything must have a system, from office to work!
* Loves to dream
- heee…yes always dreaming that I’m popular TV host in Korea dating the most eligible bachelor who is faithful and only have eyes for me who is rich, pretty, intelligent ..etc have more than 1 scenario on different days
* Strong clairvoyance
- Depending on the situation and the person involved
* Understanding
- Again this depend on the situation and the person involved
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
- not true, mostly back pain
* Good imagination
- hahah…well you would have to ask people around me
* Good debating skills
- oh yes, my hub can testify this for me..he said I’m am argumentative, whatever should be the same meaning…
* Good physical
- Well, I can carry bags of meat, tins of milk powder, toilet paper and other stuff alone. Or I can shift and turn our queen size bed on my own. What do you think?
* Weak breathing
- True, sometimes I have those tight breathing feeling on my chest
* Loves literature and the arts
- Ahh not those very chimgalogic kind but yes I appreciate arts not poems
* Loves travelling
- OH YES!!! Who don’t???* High spirited - You can count on me to be the clown in the house!
* Spendthrift
- False! I am the well-known miser in the house. Hee…

Lastly...I am now...
Age in years - 28.97
Age in months - 348
Age in days - 10573
Age in hours - 253756
Age in minutes - 15225359
Age in seconds - 913521563
Age in Milli seconds - 91352156315
Age in weeks - 74012
You born on Tuesday

Amazing isn't??



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