Life goes on...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Garfield - one month later

/*Garfield - one month later*/

It has been a month since you left us and the pain of losing still lingers around. It's doesn't matter if you have been for a month or a year, we can never get over the fact that you are gone. Last night, jie jie and us are talking about you and your manja-ness, it's nice remembering the time we spent together smelling your feet, kissing your cold wet nose and fiddling with your whiskers. It's easier now to talk about you but we are still feeling the heavy heart feeling, it's was as if someone throw a bottle of acid on our hearts. The sad part is that you probably will still be here if not for mummy's rash decision on your health.
You left a huge impact on our hearts~

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