Life goes on...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Baking session with Eili

/*Baking session with Eili*/

Happy Mothers' Day!

Went for ours first ever baking class together at Genius R Us and we are supposed to bake Strawberry Shortcake. Not that cartoon SSC but it was a vanilla spongecake filled with strawberry and it's really a very very short cake!

Maybe I held higher expectation that day and was disappointed when I reached the venue. The place was small and cramp. Inside the room are 2 tables with 6 chairs each and all 6 are sharing the ingredients. We even have to take turn to whisk the mixture! How pathetic is that? The workshop was highly publicised in the papers, mags and on TV so naturally I thought the place will be well equipped and organised. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Everyday about the place is so cheapo, from the venue to the ingredients. We are given only 6-8 strawberries for six 7 inch cakes, poor us! Anyway, i didn't enjoyed the session as Eili is cranky probably she's hungry as the session ended 30 mins later and I'm feeling tired. Grr...

I think the only part i enjoyed most is decorating the cake, other than that i was half asleep during class. Haha...

I wanted to draw a flower but Eili pressed the cream too hard and it came out like this but I managed to savage the cake by making it look like a weird flower! Clever me!
Everybody is packing and going off and I have no idea what to decorate so the rush rush panicky result.

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