Life goes on...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

My Pregnancy Journey (Part 2)

The truth fact is that every pregnancy is different so are the babies' behaviour and i should know better:

NOW: I can't be too hungry for more than 5 mins, if not, i'll turn into a Merlion. I can't bend too low when i brushed my teeth, trigger vomitting as well! (during 1st trimester)
THEN: I only remembered vomitted the yellow acid twice for the whole pregnancy, no morning sickness at all - happy pregnancy!

NOW: I have breakouts on my face this time - pimples pimples go away!!
THEN: while my skin is porcelain smooth during Eili's

NOW: I suffered water retention on my 1st trimester and only recently the water retention disappeared
THEN: I only had water retention on last trimester during Eili's.

NOW: No food can satisfy me, not even shark's fin. Ok, maybe black pepper crabs and durian but then these are my fav food before pregnancy!!
THEN: Even hawker food brightens up my day during those days

NOW: I tossed/turned at least 5 times every night since 1st trimester and slept late cos sometimes my mind only 'switches off' after 15 mins
THEN: My bedtime never past 9pm and it's all thru sleep the whole night

NOW: I don't gorge as much as i should be. Didn't like milk and only gain 1 kg per month!
THEN: I had 1 slice of bread and cup of milk at home, more breakfast at office, rice for lunch, teabreak, rice for dinner and milk before sleep. Gained 16kg in the end.

NOW: Baby E is super active with her punches/kicks, she does that everytime i consumed something or when i lie down on the couch at 10pm. She even hiccup when i'm sleeping!
THEN: Eili sleeps most of the time and sometimes i have to shake my tummy to wake her up.

So there you go, 2 different characters of my gals and i wonder will it be easy to handle Baby E since her sister is such a darling during her infant stage. Eili don't wake up for milk, not every 2-3 hrs like what i heard. She loves to sleep thru out, sometimes from 7pm till the next morning, she seldom cry and she loves to smile even at 2 months old. So, now you know what i'm worrying about.
2nd Trimester
Can you believe that i actually told people around me that I'm going to my 6 month of pregnancy when I'm already at my 7th month??? They were like "wow yr tummy is quite huge for a 5 month yah??"
Yah i flanked my maths since i thought 29 weeks means divided by 5 wks - WRONG! So i'm officially into my last trimester. Yah! Yah!!! I can't wait for the days when i can sleep flat on my stomach! Things are definitely better now, except the pimples, arghh i have to keep applying the tea tree blemish gel to soften it. I'm getting more active, yah you can see from those baking photos that i have posted. I love to keep everything tidy, love washing the toilets tiles by sitting on the toilet bowl and i'm planning to wash the baby clothings this weekend.
Names - we have yet to decide what name to choose. A islamic name with meaning or a english name with no meaning?? add a chinese name or not??? I'm in such a dilemma as he's leaving the naming to me as well! Arghh...



Anonymous Yeo said...

hi! i stumbled upon your blog while looking for a guide to HK's argyle center. It is a strange twist of fate somewhat because i am a chinese girl dating a malay guy.

anyways, just thought i would say this and I hope you have a safe delivery!

Selamat Hari Raya!

11:10 PM, September 21, 2009  
Blogger My whinin'z said...

Hi Yeo

Selamat Hari Raya EID to you and yr partner too. Insya'allah things will work out well for you and yr partner too.

Thanks for e well wishes!

10:56 PM, September 22, 2009  

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