3 days 2 nights BKK shopping = 2 tiring legs and aching back
Damage done = S$500 (exclusive of taxi fare to airport and dinner in BKK airport)
Fun scale = 4/10
Photos = not much, super lazy to snap anything
Smile :)
"Welcome to the Land of Smiles" was one of the signboard you will spot upon arrival at the new Suvarnabmumi Airport in Bangkok. Sadly, none of the immigration officers were smiling despite the big signboard behind them. Probably the things in Bangkok are getting more expensive or the Thais are upset with the current politics messup in the Thai Cabinet. Not only the immigration officer who served us with a gloomy face (it's dark enough in the dim airport lor), she stamped the wrong arrival date on our passports lor!! We have to go back and asked her to amend the date in case they retain us when we are departing.

Awww..God's wonderful creation (yes i took this pic)

Bangkok new airport
The scary bodyguard of the airport
Hotel - Centara Grand (5*)
I didn't take much photos as i was feeling really really lazy throughout the trip. Anyway, zoom to the new hotel we are staying for the next 2 nights, it's 40 mins away from the airport and we were greeted with friendly staffs and smell of new paint. The hotel, Centara Grand was not officially open yet but we got the stay since they are doing the soft launch thingy of the hotel, probably cheaper since we are the guinea piggies.
Location is superby, near to Central World (former World Trade Central) and 5 mins to Siam Paragon. We didnt have to spend much transportation by staying here. Its walkable to 2 MRT stations and 20 mins to MBK by foot. BUT....there are so much defect that seems to distract us from the modern and new design of the hotel. They have 55 storeys and the pool is located at 26th floor. Modern and sleek design and guess where they place their reception counter?? Level 23rd where every guests have to change lifts in order to reach the ground level.
Upon checking in our room, the tap is leaking, shower head is not working and some tiles in the toilet came off and the telephone in our room are faulty. Can you imagine some small wall tiles dropped out when my friend pressed the flush button??? Talk about QC inspection here. cement is not even dry yet lor. The QC inspectors surely are lazing around. Other than that, the room is spacious and the toilet is so nice, i'm tempted to bathe every hour or sleep in the tub!! Well one of the perks travelling with the firm is you'll alwaysget to stay at 5* hotel which we don't usually book for our personal trips.
Shopping in BKK
Let's face the reality. Singapore is not the only country to face inflation, the whole world is affected, so is our super cheap stuffs in bangkok.
Can you imagine the things in Chatuchak wkend market is more expensive than some shopping malls??? I didn't buy much but yet this time, i didn't manage to stretch my baht more than the last 2 years. The Thais refused to give you more discount and prices sometimes are ridiculously higher than what sold back home. Sigh...for that kind of quality and high price, i rather buy the stuffs in Hong Kong.
The design hmmm seems like BKK is still stuck in the fashion era 5 years ago. Their clothes are horrible except for their t-shirts and their shoes are hideous. No pointed shoes at all!!! I think the best bargain are the comestic products sold there, be it their local brand or Maybelline, definitely cheaper than Watsons here. Oh i found the black glue cum eyeliner for sticking fake eyelashes, according to my sister, you definitely can't find such item here. So i grabbed 4 bottles of it which only costs less than S$4!!
Maybe due to age too, that we didnt spend much time shopping compared to my last BKK trip, was tired easily and feeling moody as I didn't find the excitement looking at their stuffs. Well, maybe only the undergarment and cosmestic products.
Anyway, their stocks are limited and if you happen to find something you like and wants to get more, sorry that's all they have. FedUP!
The jam at Chatuchak Market
At first, when i start giving her pre-warning about my trip, there are not much reactions from here. Last 2 years, i have went for my trips without any burst up from her. She seems more happy to join her cousins at my SIL's place until the morning before my departure. She was crying for me when she woke up, thank god for 3G phone, she's able to see me before i board the plane. Everything seems ok. When night falls, Hub called again with the crying sound of Eili who can't understand why am i not back home yet. She still don't understand the difference between a day and few days.
Consoled her and promised to get her stuffs, missing her terribly and hearing her crying over the phone didn't help. Day 2 came, crying and chided me why I am still not back home yet and demanded that I come back home straightaway. Apparently she kept waking up the whole of Fri and Sat night looking for me. *guilt*
Have to lied that I'm working and can't fly home immediately and she sounds better on Sun since she knows that she'll be fetching me from the airport.
Great...with all these new developments, i don't think i can 'travel light' next year....
here are some photos fm my trip:
I am the Peeping Jane
The 2 'porn' stars. Hahah...look at the shower room, my fav plc!
The pool and tennis court on 26th floor
View from our room 4220. On the right is Siam Paragon

Overview of the room
With the witches from the East, don't play play got feather somemore!
With my roomies for the 3rd time
One of the partner in my firm impersonating Ryu from Street Fighter, so onz right?
Bye Bye Bangkok
Here are my loot:
Mother & Child t-shirt for me and Eili from Chatuchak
My 100 baht (S$4.30) shades from Chatuchak Market

Couple Tees from Platinum Shopping Mall
My maxi dress 400 Baht ($18?) from Platinum
His stuffs, including the expensive S$70 leather shoes from MBK. Am i best wife around?

Kimono inspired top 200 Baht ($8) from Chatuchak Market

My total collection - undergarments the best steal!!

My lil Missy tees 150 Baht each ($7) from MBK
Lips tissue box holder 80 baht ($3+) should have gotten more of this
My most expensive buy in Chatuchak, 550 Baht ($28) candle holder
For her
After 3 days of guilt trip, i whipped something fantastic for them:
Canjun Chicken Chop with pasta

See how much my gal enjoyed her food
Labels: eili, holiday, me, office