I just finished packing for my annual "no kid no husband" trip generously sponsored by my firm to
Bangkok. I know there are some parents who 'gladly' gave up such trip yearly as they felt that it's not fair for their kids. Initially, i had such thoughts but i thought i deserve a break from the daily mad rush and it's only for 2 nights, why not? My man is wholeheartedly supportive of my trip and i know Eili will be in good hands under him.

This is the only time i can shop at ease and travel light but this will not be possible if not for the huge support from my man. I seldom gave him the credit he deserved and at times like this, he is best husband and father i know of. We don't have a maid nor extended support from in laws/my parents, so when one of us is out of town, we have to do it on our own.
Marriage is about teamwork and i don't think I can handle all the 'duties' if not for him. He's my pillar of strength and my supporting mountain (muscular enough for a supportive lean) Sarang eh!!
He is able to handle Eili even i'm not around for couple of days. He'll cook, bathe, entertain and make her sleep without any help from others. For this, i am proud of him!
There are some men who will just push the responsibilities to their own mother. Of course, i better make sure i compensate him with the gifts he like!! *Yawn* Need to rest now, i have a plane to catch at 0840 later. I'll update on my trip with durian chips and tom yam kung on monday..
Labels: holiday, me, motherhood
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