My little gal had a ball of fun when her school invited all parents to participate in their CNY celebration on 23 Feb 07. I didn't want to miss her 1st celebration in school so i took half day leave just to be with her and see the rest of her classmates.

Aren't they all look so innocent and sweet?

Eili & her BFF, Nuryn.
Yes they fight and make up fast like every other BFF does.

Planting her kiss on Nuryn's cheeks.
Her way of showing affection. ;p

Eili's classmates - Phoebe & Theresa

Oh, we won 1st prize in the parent/child competition.
Putting melon seeds on a chinese character and since our character is the easiest, we WON! It was fun to mingle with the kids but I'm not sure if i can last another 1 hour with them. Kudos to all teachers who have so much patience for the hyperactive toddlers and their yakking mouths!
Labels: 3rd year, eili, school