For the past 28 years, you have never been the type of mother we, as daughters desired. The only good part I remembered you is when you came over to my house daily for 3 weeks during my confinement. Other than that, there's never once I felt the close bonding between us, as we have never stay under the same roof for more than 5 years. We have lived our life apart, occasionally meet only during CNY.
You don't remember our birthdays, your granddaughter's birthday or your mother's birthdays. You only remembered your own and you make sure we remembered by demanding a red packet. You lived in this earth the way you want it, demanding your needs without thinking for others. Without considering our feelings, our needs and our insecurities. Every word you said can't be trusted as we have been lied so many times. Everything you do make us shameful of you. Money and your friends are your only relatives. Even though we have been verbally abused by you everytime, we never stop treating you as our mother but HAVE YOU? We never push you away even when you stirred up problems for us to solve. Every call to us is because of money, when's the time you call because you sincerely wants to talk to us?
When?? Seriously, when will you change for us? When will you stop calling us every 10 mins when we refused to give you extra money to gamble? When will you stop lying?? When will you stop screaming the most awful words a mother can say to her child? WHEN??????
I'm so tired to talk about you........