Life goes on...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

she's turning 3 soon..

6 more days to turning 3.
My sweet.chatty.whining.moodswing baby is turning big 3 on 7*7*7, a date which will not happen again at least not this lifetime.

If you want to brighten her day, go to HERE and key in to see her wishlist. :)

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Overdue post

I know this post is loooong overdue and is as stale as a carton expired milk but...anyway, it was on that fateful day (which of course i can't remember) when my colleague called her to view something out of the window at that moment.
She told me that there's a tornado forming and yes like the others, i was yelling "what???". It's impossible to have a tornado in s'pore, our island is too small and vulnerable to have one. It's actually a waterspout according to a local papers.
So i went to my boss's room which is facing the future IR and Marina South and luckily a very clear of the so-called tornado. Few mins later, at least 20 staffs came to my boss's room for a clear view. Many whipped out their handphone cameras to snap the picture of the day. After 5 mins, the waterspout transformed from a thin stick to a thicker volume core and was moving towards 3 stationery ships at the sea. We were wondering whether the ships will be hail away like in the movie. Hahaha...too bad it didn't happened, the ships only swayed back and forth. After 2 mins, the waterspout dissolved into the thin air and then it's back to least something to wake us up from the PC screen.
It's forming a thicker cylinder

Moving towards the 3 ships

The waterspout at it's ending


0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Monday, June 04, 2007

banned again

SHarKS! Now i can't even access blogger at work!!

in this case, i shall this site be dormant for a while...don' think will update much..bluekkk...
0 Angel(s) sent me Y