Life goes on...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

His birthday gift

His birthday is only 3 days away and I have already bought what I thought would be the best present given to him.
The damage? Two tickets @ S$135 each on 7 April 2007. Yah, 6 more months to the musical show. Stupid Sistic right?

Today is the 3rd day of cold war and he's still pretending he's not at fault. Erkkss...
2 Angel(s) sent me Y

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pls ZAP my anger away

Hub got this for me. He thinks I need this since I always complained to him of my backaches and sagging tummy. My once slim & tone tummy was never the same ever since I delivered in 2004. Oui, my tummy was as flat as a washing board ok! Only that I don't have the desired 2 lines that show off my 6 that time i only have 2 pack (not TUPAC yoh!)

Well, I'm happy to received 2 expensive gifts from him but at the time I think it's really unnecessary to spent $500 in one shot. Being a thrifty me, I hate it when he throw away his hard-earned money like water not unless we are millionaire. Ok fine, not least when we have like 100K in our account? Hahaha…

Right after receiving the U-Zap, his lazy bones got the best out of him on Sun. I already told him that we are going to do some spring-cleaning on Sun as we won't have much time next wk (sat being his birthday and Raya approaching etc). As usual, he woke up late when I hv already put the dirty laundry in the washing machine and gave Eili breakfast. By the time we came back fm market, he felt asleep and didn't do any housework except mopping the floor. I was FURIOUS and HOPPING MAD. Was going to erupt like Mt Kintamani!! I have vacuumed the whole house, cooked and even did some stencil work but all he did the whole Sun was mopping and sleeping??????? He told me that the reason why I burst my top is because of that stupid stencil. Excuse me..that stupid stencil is for your daughter’s room btw..ARGGHHHH…MEN!!!!

Giving gifts to me DOESN'T mean NO HSECHORES oK!!! I rather ask for more help from him than receiving expensive gifts.
Today is the 2nd day of cold war and I’ll NOT give in till he apologise.
0 Angel(s) sent me Y

*~Birthday wishes~*

oppss..forgotten to post this..
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Wanted to get you something but I thought cash would be a much better pressie for you. So at least u can get what you want.
Did you all watch ANTM last night?? Hahahah..Jade was chided by Tyra for being "fake"..wakakaka..can't stand that biatch...but she really does take good photos..geezz...
0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Monday, October 09, 2006

*surprise* Getaway

I was whisked away to here when I met up with Hub on Sat. He was working half day and I was late as I require more time to prepare our 'princess'. He told me that he had planned this for 2 wks and is in celebration of our wedding anniversary. Awwwwww.........

Hallway to room
Our humble room for the night
(the most excited person wld be her - she's happily exploring the plc)
My fav plc in the suite
I want to bring this home!!!!
Nice thick embroidered bathroom slippers.
The first thing she noticed is the DHL hotair balloon. :)

Left view from our 16th floor balcony.

Nice entrance but a lil bit dangerous as there'r no barricades and kiddos might just dash straight to this tiny pool.

Going home - how I wish this is my permanent luvnest. sigh....

Note to hub: year to Banyan Tree Phuket ok???

0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Friday, October 06, 2006

The moon will be extremely round tonight

Take your lantern & walk around the roofgarden.
Eat a slice of mooncake & a sip of chinese tea.

Happy Lanterning!!
0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Our sweet 5th

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Dear Hub,
5 years ago this date, we became MR and MRS.
I hope for many golden years ahead, provided you don't burst my artery. :)
Hope you like the present, Mr N.

MySpace Layouts

0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Good Luck!

Today is the first day of PSLE exams and my niece is taking her English paper. Few weeks later, my eldest niece will be taking her Os. It's probably the worst period and a nerve wrecking experience of their life but definitely something to remember.
Sigh..i kinda miss school days minus the exams. So you see, once the time has passed, there's no way of turning back. Enjoy the 'torture' while you can. There'r more challenging obstruction coming your way.
GOOD LUCK and TRY YOUR BEST but don't push yourself overboard!
0 Angel(s) sent me Y

Monday, October 02, 2006

New Day of the Month

Well it's new day of October. So what's best to start a new day of the month by GRUMBLING???

This is also a month that I officially self-declared a bankrupt, no joke! Let's see what are the special days that'll fall on this most-hated-month:

  • My wedding anniversary
  • My hub's birthday
  • My parents' birthdays
  • My eldest sis's birthday
  • My 2 SIL's birthdays
  • My niece's birthday
  • My evil friend's birthday


Geez...Hopefully my money plant can REALLY grow money!!

0 Angel(s) sent me Y