The Birth Story
My gynae wanted to monitor the baby's heartbeat and placed me in another room and hooked me on the machine for 20 mins. Baby was not moving much (very sleepy) and the nurse had to move my tummy left and right to wake her up. No contractions and baby inactive so most probably i'll have to make another trip next week.
Immediately, i sent out smses notifying my family/friends and made arrangements to send Eili to my SIL's place after lunch. This time i'm more prepared and i'll settle my hungry tummy before going for 'war'. I thought with an experience behind me, i'm able to handle the delivery easily. Oh boy i was so so wrong!! Upon checking in, the nurse broke my water bag and insisted that i have to be dripped to move the contractions. Again i refused epidural like 5 years back.
The etonox gas DOESN'T help at all, it merely gives you a giddy head and dry throat. The time has come, i kept telling the indian midwife that I have the urge to push and she kept telling me to hold. After 3-4 pushes, Elysha was out at 6.44pm weighing 3.365kg. The pain is excruciating especially the last push when i can feel her shoulders squeezing out of the canal but when she's out, phew, nothing else matters, till later. My gynae then retrieved the cord blood which I donated to the S'pore Cord Bank. I almost kick my gynae right on his face when he starting to stitch me up, i can feel the needle moving to and forth. What happen to the anaesthetic????
When i thought the worst has passed, my gynae told me that he had to restitch as the thread came out when he tries to clean the wound. WHAT???? All in all i was stitched a good 3 times and the stupid gas doesn't help a bit. I was sobbing and screaming my head off. My gynae stroked my head and apologised before going off. Hub wiped off my tears and told me that they are preparing to move me to the ward and Elysha has already been taken to the nursery for her first bathe.
I was resting when 3-4 nurses came in, whispering in low voices and another senior nurse came in. At that moment, i know something is wrong. They told me that I'm oozing blood and that's shouldn't be the case after delivery. Apparently my uterus refuses to contract and is lazing inside thus causing the bleeding. A strong medicine was then added to my drip and i can feel an rushing icy feeling on my veins as they have put on full speed for the drip, hoping to stop the bleeding. I had the Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) and this only happens to 6% during delivery. I'm the suay 6%.
For the next 1.5 hours, the nurses took turn to massage my tummy violently which I had to bite my lips to endure the pain coming from the stitches and womb. I think by now i have probably used up the maternity pads given by the hospital as they changed me every 10 mins but the bleeding still don't stop. The senior nurse came and told me that they have to do a procedure to drain my bladder and this will definitely stop the bleeding. The problem is they'll have to insert a long tube inside. I begged them to give me the painkiller, any painkiller but i was refused as it's too late for one. My hub was asked to wait outside. Seriously, i'm so worried that my stitches will tear and i have to go thru another round of stitching. Again, they told me to use the useless gas which obviously are of no help. I think i have screamed my lungs out that night and the feeling was as if I have died on the operating table due to a failed operation.
I'm really going crazy with all the poking and stitching experience that I told Hub right at the labour ward that I'm not going to have another kid after this. Not at all!! I cried a good 5 mins after going thru such a bad delivery though the consolation is that Elysha is healthy.

Labels: elysha