A year passed..
2007 has NOT been nice to me at all. Most of all, one of my aunt passed away, followed by my beloved cat, Garfield. Till today, i'm still sensing him whenever i returned to my mum's place. He's really irreplaceable, no matter what those heartless people with no animal love would comment. He has been with me when i'm alone at home, accompanying me when i need some love and hug.
Many other unhappy incidents occurred but i shall not mentioned it, it's has happened and we are still picking up the pieces. On the eve of new year, i prayed to GOD asking for a better year than last. Hopefully everything will go on smoothly for us, our marriage, our relationships with others and our beliefs. I am just glad to be alive and healthy till now...that's what i'm grateful to GOD for his indulgence...maybe i'm growing older and begin to realised that nothing matters most than what we have performed to God this lifetime than to impress humans.
Labels: reflection, sister, wedding