Jack & the Beansprout
Child age 2 and above require 1 ticket for entry so we have to scrap the idea of putting them on our lap and bring more friends. In the end, thanks to Hub for his sacrifice so I brought Rynz and Win along for the play. The twinz needs to reconcile for a reunion lah!! It was a bit disastrous at first seeing them, as usual, running amok, lying on the carpet, jumping at the lobby of the theatre. And yes, we got weird stares from the crowds who were waiting to go in for the play. I bet they must be thinking - "i hope I don't sit near to them..confirm can't concentrate for the play!". Sigh..I know..I would think this way too if i were them.
I let the twinz run wild outside the theatre room during the 15 mins break, snapped a few shots on them so they can stop lying down on the carpet when everyone is trying not to step onto them on their way to the restrooms. It's was only during the second act (near to the end) when poor Win gets cranky (Sleepy beauty lah!) and didn't want to confine to her seat. She was trying hard to get her other half's attention but Eili can even tell Win to sit down and the usher is coming to catch her. Hahah..
I LIKED THE PLAY, very beng and very singlish!!! It's hilarious and heartwarming to see great local talents dishing out their acting on stage, especially Ivan Heng aka Widow Neo!! Acting as Jack's mother, she's crude, rough and funny!! There are other great actors like Sebastian Tan aka Jack (Broadway Beng) and Karen Tan aka Garang Guni/Golden Harp who can sing very very well! You have to listen and pay attention as they are plenty of crude but yet well-hidden jokes etc:
- Widow Neo (Tiger beer promoter in extremely tight top and short skirt): "Hello officer, who is going to bring my son down from the giant taugeh ah? Wait ah (turning to the crowd), can you hold the jugs for me? Heavy right?? Now you know how heavy is the jug!" (while emphasising her boobies)
- Golden Harp: "Wait a min...I think I broke my G-string. What are you all thinking??" (While adjusting to her harp)
GET WHAT I MEAN?? Hehehe...damn funnny!
So must watch ok, the play will end on 23 December 2006. Grab your tickets fast!!