What does Mid Autumn Festival means??? Besides lantern and moon grazing. Though officially ended yesterday, it means MOONCAKES and more mooncakes. Plenty of mooncakes but only a handful of them are halal. I remembered vividly that I never fancy mooncakes when i was young, i will only take the baked skin and pass the whole lotus paste filling to my grandma. HahHahaa...bad me....and snowskin mooncakes only make their debut years later and everyone loves snowskin for it's cooling taste.
After tasting Polar's exorbitant snowskin mooncake, i have given up in finding a 'real' chinese mooncake. Then came along Prima Deli (2nd halal bakery here), i risked my $7+ for a piece of red bean baked skin mooncake. YUCKS!! Hard and totally no taste except the red bean paste.
All hopes were not lost UNTIL my colleague introduced me to Amway Baked Skin Mooncakes. I was skeptical initially as Amway is popular for their housecleaning detergent, LOC and not for food. I went ahead and purchase as they are even cheaper than the local bakery here.
4 different flavours only costs $29, SUPER CHEAP!!! where to find such price now and 4 different flavours and it's HALAL!!! I bought the Four Season collection which consists of White Lotus (reduced sugar), Flaky Skin White Lotus with Yolk, Green Tea & Red Bean and Golden Chestnut (reduced sugar).'s sooooo good that i can't described. It's soft, nice fragrance of baked skin, authentic and aren't dry at all. Soooo good that i have already consumed 2 boxes of it, ALONE!!! Even my chinese colleagues are buying in bulk ok!
Heard that Amway sold more than thousands of mooncakes yearly and even if you are rich, when the stocks are gone, it is gone!! I'm going to grab 3 boxes next year!!

Sorry, that's all i snapped as I forgotten to take the contents. Too busy consuming them.
Imagine my happiness (to the max) when Hub's colleague (thank you!!!) gave him a box of durian snowskin mooncakes few days later! That's what life is supposed to be, enjoyment of the best food. D24 durian puree in cold and chewy snowskin. Yummy!!
They have a branch in taka
In fact i'm eating them as i'm typing these now BIRTHDAYS (today and belated)
Today is the birthday of my dearest, irritating and farty bro in law. Happy Birthday!!! May you have bashful of hair happiness eternally. As usual with the tradition which started in August, we made a card for him!!! Same photo frame cum birthday card as sop's.
Her masterpiece
I spelled, she write and she draw. So cute right???
Granny's belated
We brought my granny to T3 for a tour and birthday dinner. She hasn't been to the airport for many years and since it's her birthday....we headed to Earle Swensens for dinner, i warned them that the prices there are different from Swensens and food aren't that great and we end up with $200+ bill for a meal that got everyone complaining about.
On our way to Changi Airport T3 - the sunshine babes
What we gobbled on- BBQ Chicken (so-so), Seafood Pasta (which my granny luved)
and Lobster Baked Rice (no taste of cheese at all)
The attendees
Birthday gal, she's so adorable right?? I mean my granny, she's already 93 years old!!
My dramatic galLabels: birthday, eili, family, festival, love
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