My mum told me today that ah meow is very sick, in fact, she's not sure whether our cat can pull through this sickness. She didn't really say what happened just that ah meow constantly struggles to breathe. And the major upgrading of the whole block (noise/dust) will not help her current condition. Sharks!!!
OMG i can't imagine another of my cat passing on especially after Garfield's incident last year. In fact, ah meow is the first cat who changed my thinking and liking to the feline species, i used to hate cats, really! She has been with us for about 15 years. Although she's first cat in our family, she didnt get the same kind love we showered on the rest of the clan.
Firstly, ah meow is really a clingy cat. She needs her daily stroking irregardless where you are, on the chair, dining table, even lying on your chest when you are sleep, very manja. Secondly, she's a fiesty cat! Sometimes she'll secretly bite our toes and ran away when we are sleeping. Even when other cats started to come into our family, she will never let her guard down. Thirdly, she don't like to join the clan. She's a loner but she has her own good qualities. In fact she love to purr loudly while giving you a mini massage on your chest (imagine a little cat dance) and she's the only one who will respond when called.
Mum didn't want to bring her to the vet since it's expensive, we spent more than $1k on Garfield and the doc even misdiagnosed the illness. I am worried and wish i can go down to visit her but mum said it's quite noisy and dusty at her place because of the upgrading.

I really hope she can pull thru this time. . . . if she still not well next week, i might want to bring her to the vet....
Labels: animals, family
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