Life goes on...

Monday, April 23, 2007

weekend at one look

Aiz..when I went home last friday, I saw a handyplast on Eili's arm. So I asked her "what happened" and she told me "Phoebe bite me". Usually when she says that, I'll interrogate her to make sure what she said is true as you know kiddos her age will remember 1 incident and repeat the same story weeks after weeks.

I peeled open the handyplast and saw 3 teethmarks and the area around the teethmark are swollen. She refused to say why her friend bit her so I took her school bag and read the communication book (between teacher/parents). Indeed, Phoebe did bit her accordingly to the teacher but it's also because my little gal took away her friend's spoon during the cookery session. Instead of pitying her, I gave her a little lecture because she started this incident. I don't want to raise my kid thinking that they have no fault at all and they must learn why other people behave such way towards them. Spoiling them is not in my dictonary of rearing a child. As usual lah, kids will be kids, today lecture tomorrow forget.

Oh we went cycling at PP yesterday, yup after weeks of talking about it. We reached there around 5.30pm and rented 2 bicycles with a child seat on 1 bike. It's was fun and most importantly my little princess enjoyed the ride. We cycled from PP all the way to downtown east, grab a bite at BK before cycled back to the bicycle kiosk. Now, Hub is thinking of buying our bikes since he said the rental for the bicycles are so expensive $5-6 per hour so may as well buy and we can use it anytime we want. ...... ah.... nvm lah, we rent better lah....



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