Damn!!! I lost my first and only Nintendo DS Lite Game at the rehab hospital last Sunday, i merely dropped on the couch for 5 mins and by the time i went down to check, it's GONE!! And nearby there's another malay family who insisted that nobody took over the seats nor they spotted any object. DS Lite is not that tiny like a HP lor plus my game cover is light baby blue colour, how not obvious is that?
Sigh...anyway i have already resigned to the fact that i'll never recover that item. Luckily it's free (got it when we bought out TV) but i bought the Mario game cartridge and cover!! I curse the person who stole it will have a bigger loss than mine because you are being dishonest!!! Hmmppphhhh..............so angry!!! Eili is pretty cool about it even though she played it everyday, she simply said "oh it's ok, mummy will get another one". Kids being kids, they didn't know the value of money and i'm one person who will not waste it on a game!
Anyway to cool it off, Hub bought a surprise gift for me. He knows i have been eyeing this perfume for quite a while and is too stingy to buy for myself. It's so expensive leh!!! And it's not sold at discounted place like DFS or what, only at Shishedo Counter with no discount!! Heee...so sweet of him though i felt heartpain but then since he already bought it, may as well use it. I like the "zen-y" smell that will calm me constantly and the smell still stay after a whole day at work and lunch at food court.

Plus plus a free holiday in May to........

ya ya...i can't wait...i really need to destress...nevermind the terrible hot sun in bali. I know if my sister read this, she'll throw a fit. The doc said it's safe to go and i'll be extremely careful ok??? *winkz*
Labels: holiday
eh babe, is there something you're not sharing with me (winkz back at u!)?
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