Date: 8 Dec 2008
Venue: Drama Arts Centre
Snow White & 7 Dwarfs Co: Wildrice Theatre
Audience: Anyone 4 years and above!
End by:
20 Dec 2008 (quickly book!!)Folks
U MUST WATCH this play by Wildrice Theatre which was founded by popular and talented stage actor Ivan Heng (Jack's mum in
Jack & the Beansprouts). I especially love when the casts interacted with the audience and mixture of crisp perfect English, Singlish and Malay were spoken. How original! To rake up the audience's mood, party packs were sold together with the programme. So imagine the loud sound of the clappers rang everytime the cast came on stage, the mood is beyond description!! Almost felt like I'm at a pop concert!
This is the 2nd play i have watched staged by Wildrice and they DID IT AGAIN! I first watched with Eili on their 2006 play -
Jack & the Beansprouts and even Eili who is 2 years old at that time enjoyed the play tremendously.
Even though it's targeted for children (read title) but i am afraid the adults will enjoy more than the kiddos! A great cast, a clever script and wonderful songs for this play directed by Hossan Leong. They have tickled me endlessly with their 'well hidden' political /adult jokes and bowled me over with the great crystal voices of Sebastian Tan ("the Queen"), Elena Wang ("Snow White") and Celine Tan ("Magic Mirror").
Oh we spotted Lim Yu Beng, Tan Kheng Hua and Karen Tan who were there to lent their support for their fellow friends. One of the young actress was the child of Lim Yu Beng and Tan Kheng Hua. There was a blooper towards the ending, Sebastian Tan's wig was caught at the edge of the magic mirror and revealed his head full of scotch-tape. Definitely not planned as the cast stood there with giggles and even thrown his wig around before dumping it behind stage. So funny!! Karen Tan stood up and cheered Sebastian, probably to encourage him to continue, not from embarrassment but for him to stop laughing!!!
Really a fun, entertaining play and i will definitely not miss another Wildrice production again...
here are some pics i took (others to be upload other day, some prob with blogger)
Here we are..
The poster Ho Ho Ho Eili...
I thought she wants to do a card to hang at the Xmas Tree
Hang your wishes here
Meet & greet session with the main casts
FL: Magic Mirror, Prince Charming, Jessie the Dwarf and Stepmother/Queen
She's eager to meet them
With her favourite character, Snow White. Eili passed the xmas card that she did earlier
With my favourite character, Sebastian Tan as the Queen
Labels: eili, funny, play, Wildrice Theatre
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