stop givin me e STUPID stare!
Scene i
Me and hubby will take bus no. @@ to my sis-in-lawz's hse to send our gal everyday. Every morn at a certain bus stop, this chinese lady (in her 20s) will take e same bus as well, for so many god damn time, she'll never fail to stare at us e moment she stepped into e bus...she'll scrutinse us fm head to top..HEY..I am not a piece of pork, u biatch....I mean, i dun mind u if stare & look e 1st time BCOS u r such a mountain tortise, but do u still hv to stare us but for e next 2 months???? Wat r u thinkin? geez...Is it bcos my hubby is too handsome & u cldn't help yrself to it??.. keke.e..or u r damn fickin jealous of my B E A U T Y....heheh...yeahhhh..she's maggotly ugly...w*tever! We r not gg to give u e priviledge of appearin akward bcos of yr glare..if we can..we shld be climbin on top of each other to give u a free schtuppin preview! L0SER!

Scene ii
We took e train to work after sendin our gal. Once we got into e cubicle, i saw my colleague who..literally..gave us e 2 stares at a time! 1st she saw me and smiled then she saw my hubby and her eyes appeared larger (like e corpse bride) and then followed by another stare at both of us.. boy.. WTF! i m so tired tryin to appear normal in front of these shitz..mayb i shld ask hubby to go for colour pigmentation surgery and who knows he'll bcum a local version of MJ?? hiiisss..tsk tsk..
~@~ mŸ ÆxiSTeNce
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